Wednesday 21 December 2011

Home is where the heart is.

Well then I am not home.  I am in Canada again though. 

Like the Johnny Cash Song, "I've been everywhere man..."  I last updated my adventure from Taos NM but since then I have been back to Santa Fe then started heading east.  I hit Ft. Sumner (Home of the Billy the Kid museum) then Amarillo Texas. Did you know Helium was first extracted from Natural Gas there?  I continued east and hit OKC, but stayed in Shawnee OK.  From there I passed through Arkansas and stayed in Memphis TN for a couple of days.  I love that town.  I saw the sights and made a side trip to Clarksdale MS to see Ground Zero for the Delta Blues.   Including a night at Morgan Freeman's Ground Zero Blues club.  "A gin-soaked Bar-Room Queen...tried to take me upstairs for a ride."

After a rainy drive to Tupelo to see the small shotgun shack that Elvis was born in I finished the night in Cumming GA.  My good friend had a full house and it was great to be back east again.  I high-tailed it up to Detroit for a couple of days then finally back to Waterloo.  I am sitting in my brothers house reflecting on my last two months and looking forward to what lies ahead.  More of the same or the same ol' same ol'?  Let's find out....